Expense Report Approval and Line Level Approval Comparison

Multiple functional roles can approve an expense report.

These approvals represent approvals of the entire expense report, and can be conditional depending on the following factors:

  • Expense Report Type
  • Total Expense Report Amount
  • Total Over-Ceiling Amount
  • Total Unallowable Amount
  • Whether the user with the functional role is assigned to the same group as the expense report employee

Multiple functional roles can approve individual charge allocations. These approvals can be conditional based on factors such as the following:

  • Expense Report Type
  • Total Expense Report Amount
  • Total Over-Ceiling Amount
  • Total Unallowable Amount
  • Whether line approval is applicable to specific charge, UDT02, or UDT01.
  • Whether the user with the Functional Role is assigned to the UDT02 or UDT01.